Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
Practice Portuguese, Travel
0h26 | 2023 | PG
Flying to Portugal? So are Teresa and Fernando! Or so they thought... Follow their adventure and stay tuned for the European Portuguese lessons throughout. Rui and Joel will teach you vocabulary to help with your own journey from the airport, to the plane, to your final destination.
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Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 1 - Planning Your Flight
Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 1 - Planning Your Flight
Pick up the vocabulary you'll need when booking a flight.

Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 2 - At the Airport
Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 2 - At the Airport
Learn phrases for the check-in process and asking for help at the airport.

Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 3 - The Boarding Gate
Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 3 - The Boarding Gate
Ready to go? Find your boarding gate and don't forget your passport!

Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 4 - Boarding the Plane
Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 4 - Boarding the Plane
Find your seat, stow your bag, and learn the different parts of the plane cabin.

Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 5 - Takeoff
Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 5 - Takeoff
Buckle your seatbelt and get ready for some safety vocabulary!

Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 6 - Mealtime
Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 6 - Mealtime
You're on the way! Time to enjoy a meal and ask for a coffee.

Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 7 - Arrival
Practice Portuguese - Air Travel S1
EP 7 - Arrival
Prepare for landing! Your journey ends with vocabulary for collecting your bags and finding customs.

EP 1 - Planning Your Flight
2023 | 0h6

EP 2 - At the Airport
2023 | 0h4

EP 3 - The Boarding Gate
2023 | 0h4

EP 4 - Boarding the Plane
2023 | 0h3

EP 5 - Takeoff
2023 | 0h3

EP 6 - Mealtime
2023 | 0h2

EP 7 - Arrival
2023 | 0h4